Ahmed Thabet
| (+20) 1143344150 | ahmed.te.youssef@gmail.com
Building the largest decentralized P2P cloud infrastructure in the
world for the last 8 years.
- Codescalers: Software Development Team Lead (2020 - Now)
Leading the development of the largest
P2P cloud infrastructure in the world. The Jumpscale cloud
framework, 3Bot virtual system administrator, and the virtual data
center (VDC)
- Codescalers: Software Engineer (April 2016 - 2020)
Development of new cloud tools that is used to manage infrastructure,
virtual machines and containers.
- Otlob.com: Data analyst (Freelance) Extracting audio
fingerprints from huge video datasets for marketing campaign
- Orascom Telecom: Web developer (Freelance) PHP/CodeIgniter
project to manage their internal servers conditioning information moving
away from Excel sheets
I’m leading the development of the largest P2P cloud and the tooling around
- JS-NG:
Led the development of the cloud automation/configuration framework
(python, gevent, docker)
- JS-SDK: Led
the development of threefold grid software toolkit and the threebot
application server. (python, gevent, docker)
- VDC: Led
the development of Virtual Data Center (kubernetes cluster, S3,
monitoring prometheus/grafana, management dashboard) on the Threefold
grid, giving customers their own virtual data centers, the stack is
(python, gevent, stellar blockchain, kubernetes, ansible, grafana)
Marketplace: Led the development of Virtual Data Center
Marketplace (1-click applications deployments on the virtual data
- Threefold
Marketplace: Led the development of Threefold marketplace,
based on the js-sdk framework, to have 1-click applications running on
threefold grid
- Terraform/OpenTofu
Plugin Led the development of the terraform plugin for
threefold grid (golang)
- Golang
SDK: Led the development of the golang sdk, that was crucial to
deliver many projects for threefold grid
- TFRobot:
Led the development of tfrobot, a mass deployer of VM fleets on the
threefold grid
- Gridify:
Led the development of gridify, allowing to deploy projects on the
threefold grid with minimal effort, similar to heroku based
- Farmerbot:
Led the development of farmerbot allowing the farmers to efficiently
power manage their nodes.
- Typescript
SDK:Led the development of the typescript sdk to enable web
developers to integrate with threefold grid, using familiar javascript
- Weblets:
Svelte based project to create reusable web components to quickly build
applications on threefold grid
- Go
farmer: GUI application to provide farmers with an easy,
cross-platform tool to manage their farms (go, fyne)
- publishingtools:
Led the development of web publishing framework for hosting wikis, blogs
and websites mainly for threefold and
its grid services. (crystal, kemal, svelte)
- CRM: Led the
development of a generic CRM system for threefoldtoken foundation
(python, flask, uwsgi, sqlalchemy, flask-admin, postgres, graphql,
docker, bash, oauth2)
- 0-Disk: Developed a network block device (NBD) server with
multiple backends for storage. The project was later replaced with 0-db
(tarantool, fio, lua)
- AYS: Agentless orchestration infrastructure as code and
built on top of Jumpscale framework. It’s used to provision virtual
machines, deploy containers, services and it handles the orchestration
and dependencies for the applications. Developed the Events system,
background task, service templates for owncloud, s3, php, nginx
- OpenVCloud: cloud platform based on libvirt and Python.
Developed new tools for it to improve monitoring and alerting system,
and multiple health checks hardware components (e.g IP watcher, dead
routeros, fans, power supplies, temperature)
- More: OAuth provider for Gogs, DMIDecode parser,
rtinfo integration, internal development flow automation
project (ays_dev_process), github-gogs synchronizer, documentation
generators for Jumpscale7 and Jumpscale8
Open Source Projects
- Languages: Python, Go, Ruby, Rust, Java, PHP, Nim, Typescript,
Crystal, C, Bash, Scheme, Haskell, Scala, Ocaml
- Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, InfluxDB
- APIs: REST, Swagger, RAML, GraphQL, gRPC, CapnProto
- Web Frameworks: Flask, Flask-admin, Sanic, Django, FastAPI, Bottle,
CodeIgniter, Laravel, CakePHP, Yii, Rails, Sinatra, Gin, Gorilla,
- Frontend frameworks: Svelte, Sapper, Vue, React
- Infrastructure: Linux, Vagrant, Docker, Docker-Compose, Docker
Swarm, Kubernetes, K3S, Helm, Terraform, Ansible, Prometheus, Grafana,
CoreDNS, Nginx, Caddy, Traefik
- BS in Electrical Engineering, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt
- English: Business Level (speaking, reading, writing)
- German: Limited working proficiency (B1.1)