Module gundb.backends.backend

Source code
import json
import copy
from ..consts import *
from .resolvers import *
from .utils import *
import logging

#def uniquify(lst):
#    #lst might be a list of objects
#    res = []
#    for r in lst:
#        if r not in res:
#            res.append(r)
#    return res

class BackendMixin:
    def get_object_by_id(self, obj_id, schema=None):

    def set_object_attr(self, obj, attr, val):
    def save_object(self, obj, obj_id, schema=None):
    def put(self, soul, key, value, state, graph):
        Handles a put request.
        Reflect the update graph[soul][key] = value in the database.
        First, it finds the root object to which the soul belongs, \
                then depending if a list is involved in the path from the root to the changed property, \
                update_normal or update_list is called.

            soul  (str) : The soul in which the property will be changed.
            key   (str) : The key that will be changed.
            value       : The new value associated with the key.
            state (dict): The state.
            graph (dict): The updated GUN graph.

        logging.debug("\n\nPUT REQUEST:\nSoul: {}\nkey: {}\nvalue: {}\n graph:{}\n\n".format(soul, key, value, json.dumps(graph, indent = 4)))
        if soul not in self.db:
            self.db[soul] = {METADATA:{STATE:{}}}
        self.db[soul][key] = value
        self.db[soul][METADATA][STATE][key] = state
        if isinstance(value, str):
                value = json.loads(value)

        if is_root_soul(soul): # root object
            logging.debug("Direct property of a root object.")
            root = soul
            path = [key]
            logging.debug("Nested soul that must be looked for.")
            path = search(soul, graph)
            if not path: # Didn't find the soul referenced in any root object
                # Ignore the request
                logging.debug("Couldn't find soul :(")
                #logging.debug("graph: {}\n\n".format(json.dumps(graph, indent = 4)))
                return 0
            root = path[0]
            path = path[1:] + [key]
        schema, index = parse_schema_and_id(root)
        root_object = self.get_object_by_id(index, schema)
        value = fix_lists(resolve_v(value, graph))
        list_index = get_first_list_prop(path)
        if list_index != -1:
            self.update_list(root, path[:list_index + 1], soul, root_object, schema, index, graph)
            self.update_normal(path, value, root_object, schema, index)
        logging.debug("Updated successfully!")

        self.save_object(root_object, index, schema)

    def get(self, soul, key=None):
        ret = {SOUL: soul, METADATA:{SOUL:soul, STATE:{}}}

        res = None
        if soul in self.db:
            ret[METADATA] = self.db[soul][METADATA]
            if key and isinstance(key, str):
                res = {**ret, **self.db.get(soul)}
                return res.get(key, {})
                res = {**ret, **self.db.get(soul)}
                return res
        return ret

    def update_list(self, root, path, soul, root_object, schema, index, graph):
        Update list property.
        Walks through the graph first to retrieve the soul of the list, \
            Then updates the list in the db by resolving it first from the graph.
        current = graph[root]
        for e in path[:-1]:
            current = graph[current[e][METADATA][SOUL]]

        list_id = current[path[-1]][SOUL]
        self.update_normal(path, fix_lists(resolve_v({SOUL: list_id}, graph)), root_object, schema, index)
        return 0

    def update_normal(self, path, value, root_object, schema, index):
        Update a normal property.

            path        (list): The keys to follow from root_object to reach the desired path.
            value             : The value to be stored in this location.
            root_object (dict): The root object from GUN graph.
            schema      (str) : The schema of the root soul. Root soul is in the format schema://index
            index       (str) : The index of the root soul.
        key = path[-1]
        if key.startswith('list_'):
            value = listify(value)
        current = root_object
        for e in path[:-1]:
                current = current[e]
            except:# The path doesn't exist in the db
                # Ignore the request
                logging.debug("Couldn't traverse the database for the found path.")
                logging.debug('path: {}\n\n'.format(json.dumps([current] + path, indent = 4)))
                #logging.debug("graph: {}\n\n".format(json.dumps(graph, indent = 4)))
                return 0
        current[path[-1]] = value


class BackendMixin (*args, **kwargs)
Source code
class BackendMixin:
    def get_object_by_id(self, obj_id, schema=None):

    def set_object_attr(self, obj, attr, val):
    def save_object(self, obj, obj_id, schema=None):
    def put(self, soul, key, value, state, graph):
        Handles a put request.
        Reflect the update graph[soul][key] = value in the database.
        First, it finds the root object to which the soul belongs, \
                then depending if a list is involved in the path from the root to the changed property, \
                update_normal or update_list is called.

            soul  (str) : The soul in which the property will be changed.
            key   (str) : The key that will be changed.
            value       : The new value associated with the key.
            state (dict): The state.
            graph (dict): The updated GUN graph.

        logging.debug("\n\nPUT REQUEST:\nSoul: {}\nkey: {}\nvalue: {}\n graph:{}\n\n".format(soul, key, value, json.dumps(graph, indent = 4)))
        if soul not in self.db:
            self.db[soul] = {METADATA:{STATE:{}}}
        self.db[soul][key] = value
        self.db[soul][METADATA][STATE][key] = state
        if isinstance(value, str):
                value = json.loads(value)

        if is_root_soul(soul): # root object
            logging.debug("Direct property of a root object.")
            root = soul
            path = [key]
            logging.debug("Nested soul that must be looked for.")
            path = search(soul, graph)
            if not path: # Didn't find the soul referenced in any root object
                # Ignore the request
                logging.debug("Couldn't find soul :(")
                #logging.debug("graph: {}\n\n".format(json.dumps(graph, indent = 4)))
                return 0
            root = path[0]
            path = path[1:] + [key]
        schema, index = parse_schema_and_id(root)
        root_object = self.get_object_by_id(index, schema)
        value = fix_lists(resolve_v(value, graph))
        list_index = get_first_list_prop(path)
        if list_index != -1:
            self.update_list(root, path[:list_index + 1], soul, root_object, schema, index, graph)
            self.update_normal(path, value, root_object, schema, index)
        logging.debug("Updated successfully!")

        self.save_object(root_object, index, schema)

    def get(self, soul, key=None):
        ret = {SOUL: soul, METADATA:{SOUL:soul, STATE:{}}}

        res = None
        if soul in self.db:
            ret[METADATA] = self.db[soul][METADATA]
            if key and isinstance(key, str):
                res = {**ret, **self.db.get(soul)}
                return res.get(key, {})
                res = {**ret, **self.db.get(soul)}
                return res
        return ret

    def update_list(self, root, path, soul, root_object, schema, index, graph):
        Update list property.
        Walks through the graph first to retrieve the soul of the list, \
            Then updates the list in the db by resolving it first from the graph.
        current = graph[root]
        for e in path[:-1]:
            current = graph[current[e][METADATA][SOUL]]

        list_id = current[path[-1]][SOUL]
        self.update_normal(path, fix_lists(resolve_v({SOUL: list_id}, graph)), root_object, schema, index)
        return 0

    def update_normal(self, path, value, root_object, schema, index):
        Update a normal property.

            path        (list): The keys to follow from root_object to reach the desired path.
            value             : The value to be stored in this location.
            root_object (dict): The root object from GUN graph.
            schema      (str) : The schema of the root soul. Root soul is in the format schema://index
            index       (str) : The index of the root soul.
        key = path[-1]
        if key.startswith('list_'):
            value = listify(value)
        current = root_object
        for e in path[:-1]:
                current = current[e]
            except:# The path doesn't exist in the db
                # Ignore the request
                logging.debug("Couldn't traverse the database for the found path.")
                logging.debug('path: {}\n\n'.format(json.dumps([current] + path, indent = 4)))
                #logging.debug("graph: {}\n\n".format(json.dumps(graph, indent = 4)))
                return 0
        current[path[-1]] = value



def get(self, soul, key=None)
Source code
def get(self, soul, key=None):
    ret = {SOUL: soul, METADATA:{SOUL:soul, STATE:{}}}

    res = None
    if soul in self.db:
        ret[METADATA] = self.db[soul][METADATA]
        if key and isinstance(key, str):
            res = {**ret, **self.db.get(soul)}
            return res.get(key, {})
            res = {**ret, **self.db.get(soul)}
            return res
    return ret
def get_object_by_id(self, obj_id, schema=None)
Source code
def get_object_by_id(self, obj_id, schema=None):
def put(self, soul, key, value, state, graph)

Handles a put request. Reflect the update graph[soul][key] = value in the database. First, it finds the root object to which the soul belongs, then depending if a list is involved in the path from the root to the changed property, update_normal or update_list is called.


soul (str) : The soul in which the property will be changed.
key (str) : The key that will be changed.
value : The new value associated with the key.
state : dict
The state.
graph : dict
The updated GUN graph.
Source code
def put(self, soul, key, value, state, graph):
    Handles a put request.
    Reflect the update graph[soul][key] = value in the database.
    First, it finds the root object to which the soul belongs, \
            then depending if a list is involved in the path from the root to the changed property, \
            update_normal or update_list is called.

        soul  (str) : The soul in which the property will be changed.
        key   (str) : The key that will be changed.
        value       : The new value associated with the key.
        state (dict): The state.
        graph (dict): The updated GUN graph.

    logging.debug("\n\nPUT REQUEST:\nSoul: {}\nkey: {}\nvalue: {}\n graph:{}\n\n".format(soul, key, value, json.dumps(graph, indent = 4)))
    if soul not in self.db:
        self.db[soul] = {METADATA:{STATE:{}}}
    self.db[soul][key] = value
    self.db[soul][METADATA][STATE][key] = state
    if isinstance(value, str):
            value = json.loads(value)

    if is_root_soul(soul): # root object
        logging.debug("Direct property of a root object.")
        root = soul
        path = [key]
        logging.debug("Nested soul that must be looked for.")
        path = search(soul, graph)
        if not path: # Didn't find the soul referenced in any root object
            # Ignore the request
            logging.debug("Couldn't find soul :(")
            #logging.debug("graph: {}\n\n".format(json.dumps(graph, indent = 4)))
            return 0
        root = path[0]
        path = path[1:] + [key]
    schema, index = parse_schema_and_id(root)
    root_object = self.get_object_by_id(index, schema)
    value = fix_lists(resolve_v(value, graph))
    list_index = get_first_list_prop(path)
    if list_index != -1:
        self.update_list(root, path[:list_index + 1], soul, root_object, schema, index, graph)
        self.update_normal(path, value, root_object, schema, index)
    logging.debug("Updated successfully!")

    self.save_object(root_object, index, schema)
def save_object(self, obj, obj_id, schema=None)
Source code
def save_object(self, obj, obj_id, schema=None):
def set_object_attr(self, obj, attr, val)
Source code
def set_object_attr(self, obj, attr, val):
def update_list(self, root, path, soul, root_object, schema, index, graph)

Update list property.

Walks through the graph first to retrieve the soul of the list, Then updates the list in the db by resolving it first from the graph.

Source code
def update_list(self, root, path, soul, root_object, schema, index, graph):
    Update list property.
    Walks through the graph first to retrieve the soul of the list, \
        Then updates the list in the db by resolving it first from the graph.
    current = graph[root]
    for e in path[:-1]:
        current = graph[current[e][METADATA][SOUL]]

    list_id = current[path[-1]][SOUL]
    self.update_normal(path, fix_lists(resolve_v({SOUL: list_id}, graph)), root_object, schema, index)
    return 0
def update_normal(self, path, value, root_object, schema, index)

Update a normal property.


path (list): The keys to follow from root_object to reach the desired path.
value : The value to be stored in this location.
root_object : dict
The root object from GUN graph.

schema (str) : The schema of the root soul. Root soul is in the format schema://index index (str) : The index of the root soul.

Source code
def update_normal(self, path, value, root_object, schema, index):
    Update a normal property.

        path        (list): The keys to follow from root_object to reach the desired path.
        value             : The value to be stored in this location.
        root_object (dict): The root object from GUN graph.
        schema      (str) : The schema of the root soul. Root soul is in the format schema://index
        index       (str) : The index of the root soul.
    key = path[-1]
    if key.startswith('list_'):
        value = listify(value)
    current = root_object
    for e in path[:-1]:
            current = current[e]
        except:# The path doesn't exist in the db
            # Ignore the request
            logging.debug("Couldn't traverse the database for the found path.")
            logging.debug('path: {}\n\n'.format(json.dumps([current] + path, indent = 4)))
            #logging.debug("graph: {}\n\n".format(json.dumps(graph, indent = 4)))
            return 0
    current[path[-1]] = value