sonic.client module

Source code
from enum import Enum
import socket
import re
from queue import Queue
import itertools

class SonicServerError(Exception):
    """Generic Sonic Server exception"""

class ChannelError(Exception):
    """Sonic Channel specific exception"""

# Commands available on all channels + START that's available on the uninitialized channel

# Channels commands
    # FIXME: unintialized entry isn't needed anymore.
    'ingest': [
        # PUSH <collection> <bucket> <object> "<text>" [LANG(<locale>)]?
        'POP',     # POP <collection> <bucket> <object> "<text>"
        'COUNT',   # COUNT <collection> [<bucket> [<object>]?]?
        'FLUSHC',  # FLUSHC <collection>
        'FLUSHB',  # FLUSHB <collection> <bucket>
        'FLUSHO',  # FLUSHO <collection> <bucket> <object>
    'search': [
        # QUERY <collection> <bucket> "<terms>" [LIMIT(<count>)]? [OFFSET(<count>)]? [LANG(<locale>)]?
        'SUGGEST',  # SUGGEST <collection> <bucket> "<word>" [LIMIT(<count>)]?
    'control': [
        'TRIGGER',  # TRIGGER [<action>]?

# snippet from asonic code.

def quote_text(text):
    """Quote text and normalize it in sonic protocol context.

        text str -- text to quote/escape

        str -- quoted text
    if text is None:
        return ""
    return '"' + text.replace('"', '\\"').replace('\r\n', ' ') + '"'

def is_error(response):
    """Check if the response is Error or not in sonic context.

    Errors start with `ERR`
        response {str} -- response string

        [bool] -- true if response is an error.
    if response.startswith('ERR '):
        return True
    return False

def raise_for_error(response):
    """Raise SonicServerError in case of error response.

        response {str} -- message to check if it's error or not.

        SonicServerError --

        str -- the response message
    if is_error(response):
        raise SonicServerError(response)
    return response

def _parse_protocol_version(text):
    """Extracts protocol version from response message

        text {str} -- text that may contain protocol version info (e.g STARTED search protocol(1) buffer(20000) )

        ValueError -- Raised when s doesn't have protocol information

        str -- protocol version.
    matches = re.findall("protocol\((\w+)\)", text)
    if not matches:
        raise ValueError("{} doesn't contain protocol(NUMBER)".format(text))
    return matches[0]

def _parse_buffer_size(text):
    """Extracts buffering from response message

        text {str} -- text that may contain buffering info (e.g STARTED search protocol(1) buffer(20000) )

        ValueError -- Raised when s doesn't have buffering information

        str -- buffering.

    matches = re.findall("buffer\((\w+)\)", text)
    if not matches:
        raise ValueError("{} doesn't contain buffer(NUMBER)".format(text))
    return matches[0]

def _get_async_response_id(text):
    """Extract async response message id.

        text {str} -- text that may contain async response id (e.g PENDING gn4RLF8M )

        ValueError -- [description]

        str -- async response id
    text = text.strip()
    matches = re.findall("PENDING (\w+)", text)
    if not matches:
        raise ValueError("{} doesn't contain async response id".format(text))
    return matches[0]

def pythonify_result(resp):
    if resp in ["OK", "PONG"]:
        return True

    if resp.startswith("EVENT QUERY") or resp.startswith("EVENT SUGGEST"):
        return resp.split()[3:]

    if resp.startswith("RESULT"):
        return int(resp.split()[-1])
    return resp

# Channels names
INGEST = 'ingest'
SEARCH = 'search'
CONTROL = 'control'

class SonicConnection:
    def __init__(self, host: str, port: int, password: str, channel: str, keepalive: bool=True, timeout: int=60):
        """Base for sonic connections

        bufsize: indicates the buffer size to be used while communicating with the server.
        protocol: sonic protocol version

            host {str} -- sonic server host
            port {int} -- sonic server port
            password {str} -- user password defined in `config.cfg` file on the server side.
            channel {str} -- channel name one of (ingest, search, control)

        Keyword Arguments:
            keepalive {bool} -- sets keepalive socket option (default: {True})
            timeout {int} -- sets socket timeout  (default: {60})
        = host
        self.port = port
        self._password = password = channel
        self.raw = False
        self.address =, self.port
        self.keepalive = keepalive
        self.timeout = timeout
        self.socket_connect_timeout = 10
        self.__socket = None
        self.__reader = None
        self.__writer = None
        self.bufize = None
        self.protocol = None

    def connect(self):
        """Connects to sonic server endpoint

            bool: True when connection happens and successfully switched to a channel.
        resp = self._reader.readline()
        if 'CONNECTED' in resp:
            self.connected = True

        resp = self._execute_command("START",, self._password)
        self.protocol = _parse_protocol_version(resp)
        self.bufsize = _parse_buffer_size(resp)


    def ping(self):
        return self._execute_command("PING") == "PONG"

    def __create_connection(self, address):
        "Create a TCP socket connection"
        # we want to mimic what socket.create_connection does to support
        # ipv4/ipv6, but we want to set options prior to calling
        # socket.connect()
        # snippet taken from redis client code.
        err = None
        for res in socket.getaddrinfo(, self.port, 0,
            family, socktype, proto, canonname, socket_address = res
            sock = None
                sock = socket.socket(family, socktype, proto)
                # TCP_NODELAY
                sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)

                # TCP_KEEPALIVE
                if self.keepalive:
                    sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1)

                # set the socket_connect_timeout before we connect
                if self.socket_connect_timeout:

                # connect

                # set the socket_timeout now that we're connected
                if self.timeout:
                return sock

            except socket.error as _:
                err = _
                if sock is not None:

        if err is not None:
            raise err
        raise socket.error("socket.getaddrinfo returned an empty list")

    def _socket(self):
        if not self.__socket:
            # socket.create_connection(self.address)
            self.__socket = self.__create_connection(self.address)

        return self.__socket

    def _reader(self):
        if not self.__reader:
            self.__reader = self._socket.makefile('r')
        return self.__reader

    def _writer(self):
        if not self.__writer:
            self.__writer = self._socket.makefile('w')
        return self.__writer

    def close(self):
        Closes the connection and its resources.
        resources = (self.__reader, self.__writer, self.__socket)
        for rc in resources:
            if rc is not None:
        self.__reader = None
        self.__writer = None
        self.__socket = None

    def _format_command(self, cmd, *args):
        """Format command according to sonic protocol

            cmd {str} -- a valid sonic command

            str -- formatted command string to be sent on the wire.
        cmd_str = cmd + " "
        cmd_str += " ".join(args)
        cmd_str += "\n"  # specs says \n, asonic does \r\n
        return cmd_str

    def _execute_command(self, cmd, *args):
        """Formats and sends command with suitable arguments on the wire to sonic server

            cmd {str} -- valid command

            ChannelError -- Raised for unsupported channel commands

            object|str -- depends on the `self.raw` mode
                if mode is raw: result is always a string
                else the result is converted to suitable python response (e.g boolean, int, list)
        if cmd not in ALL_CMDS[]:
            raise ChannelError(
                "command {} isn't allowed in channel {}".format(cmd,

        cmd_str = self._format_command(cmd, *args)
        resp = self._get_response()
        return resp

    def _get_response(self):
        """Gets a response string from sonic server.

            object|str -- depends on the `self.raw` mode
                if mode is raw: result is always a string
                else the result is converted to suitable python response (e.g boolean, int, list)
        resp = raise_for_error(self._reader.readline()).strip()
        if not self.raw:
            return pythonify_result(resp)
        return resp

class ConnectionPool:

    def __init__(self, **create_kwargs):
        """ConnectionPool for Sonic connections.

        create_kwargs: SonicConnection create kwargs (passed to the connection constructor.)
        self._inuse_connections = set()
        self._available_connections = Queue()
        self._create_kwargs = create_kwargs

    def get_connection(self) -> SonicConnection:
        """Gets a connection from the pool or creates one.
            SonicConnection -- Sonic connection.
        conn = None

        if not self._available_connections.empty():
            conn = self._available_connections.get()
            # make connection and add to active connections
            conn = self._make_connection()

        return conn

    def release(self, conn:SonicConnection) -> None:
        """Releases connection `conn` to the pool
            conn {SonicConnection} -- Connection to release back to the pool.

    def _make_connection(self) -> SonicConnection:
        """Creates SonicConnection object and returns it.
            SonicConnection -- newly created sonic connection.
        con = SonicConnection(**self._create_kwargs)
        return con

    def close(self) -> None:
        """Closes the pool and all of the connections.
        for con in itertools.chain(self._inuse_connections, self._available_connections):

class SonicClient:

    def __init__(self, host: str, port: int, password: str, channel: str, pool: ConnectionPool=None):
        """Base for sonic clients

        bufsize: indicates the buffer size to be used while communicating with the server.
        protocol: sonic protocol version

            host {str} -- sonic server host
            port {int} -- sonic server port
            password {str} -- user password defined in `config.cfg` file on the server side.
            channel {str} -- channel name one of (ingest, search, control)

        """ = host
        self.port = port
        self._password = password = channel
        self.bufsize = 0
        self.protocol = 1
        self.raw = False
        self.address =, self.port

        if not pool:
            self.pool = ConnectionPool(
                host=host, port=port, password=password, channel=channel)

    def close(self):
        """close the connection and clean up open resources.

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

    def get_active_connection(self) -> SonicConnection:
        """Gets a connection from the pool
            SonicConnection -- connection from the pool
        active = self.pool.get_connection()
        active.raw = self.raw
        return active

    def _execute_command(self, cmd, *args):
        """Executes command `cmd` with arguments `args`
            cmd {str} -- command to execute
            *args     -- `cmd`'s arguments
            str|object -- result of execution
        active = self.get_active_connection()
            res = active._execute_command(cmd, *args)
        return res

    def _execute_command_async(self, cmd, *args):
        """Executes async command `cmd` with arguments `args` and awaits its result.
            cmd {str} -- command to execute
            *args     -- `cmd`'s arguments
            str|object -- result of execution

        active = self.get_active_connection()
            active._execute_command(cmd, *args)
            resp = active._get_response()
        return resp

class CommonCommandsMixin:
    """Mixin of the commands used by all sonic channels."""

    def ping(self):
        """Send ping command to the server

            bool -- True if successfully reaching the server.
        return self._execute_command("PING")

    def quit(self):
        """Quit the channel and closes the connection.


    # TODO: check help.
    def help(self, *args):
        """Sends Help query."""
        return self._execute_command("HELP", *args)

class IngestClient(SonicClient, CommonCommandsMixin):
    def __init__(self, host: str, port: str, password: str):
        super().__init__(host, port, password, INGEST)

    def push(self, collection: str, bucket: str, object: str, text: str, lang: str=None):
        """Push search data in the index

            collection {str} --  index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)
            bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)
            object {str} --  object identifier that refers to an entity in an external database, where the searched object is stored (eg. you use Sonic to index CRM contacts by name; full CRM contact data is stored in a MySQL database; in this case the object identifier in Sonic will be the MySQL primary key for the CRM contact)
            text {str} -- search text to be indexed can be a single word, or a longer text; within maximum length safety limits

        Keyword Arguments:
            lang {str} -- [description] (default: {None})

            bool -- True if search data are pushed in the index.

        lang = "LANG({})".format(lang) if lang else ''
        text = quote_text(text)
        return self._execute_command("PUSH", collection, bucket, object, text, lang)

    def pop(self, collection: str, bucket: str, object: str, text: str):
        """Pop search data from the index

            collection {str} --  index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)
            bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)
            object {str} --  object identifier that refers to an entity in an external database, where the searched object is stored (eg. you use Sonic to index CRM contacts by name; full CRM contact data is stored in a MySQL database; in this case the object identifier in Sonic will be the MySQL primary key for the CRM contact)
            text {str} -- search text to be indexed can be a single word, or a longer text; within maximum length safety limits

        text = quote_text(text)
        return self._execute_command("POP", collection, bucket, object, text)

    def count(self, collection: str, bucket: str=None, object: str=None):
        """Count indexed search data

            collection {str} --  index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)

        Keyword Arguments:
            bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)
            object {str} --  object identifier that refers to an entity in an external database, where the searched object is stored (eg. you use Sonic to index CRM contacts by name; full CRM contact data is stored in a MySQL database; in this case the object identifier in Sonic will be the MySQL primary key for the CRM contact)

            int -- count of index search data.
        bucket = bucket or ''
        object = object or ''
        return self._execute_command('COUNT', collection, bucket, object)

    def flush_collection(self, collection: str):
        """Flush all indexed data from a collection

            collection {str} --  index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)

            int -- number of flushed data
        return self._execute_command('FLUSHC', collection)

    def flush_bucket(self, collection: str, bucket: str):
        """Flush all indexed data from a bucket in a collection

            collection {str} --  index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)
            bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)

            int -- number of flushed data
        return self._execute_command('FLUSHB', collection, bucket)

    def flush_object(self, collection: str, bucket: str, object: str):
        """Flush all indexed data from an object in a bucket in collection

            collection {str} --  index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)
            bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)
            object {str} --  object identifier that refers to an entity in an external database, where the searched object is stored (eg. you use Sonic to index CRM contacts by name; full CRM contact data is stored in a MySQL database; in this case the object identifier in Sonic will be the MySQL primary key for the CRM contact)

            int -- number of flushed data
        return self._execute_command('FLUSHO', collection, bucket, object)

    def flush(self, collection: str, bucket: str=None, object: str=None):
        """Flush indexed data in a collection, bucket, or in an object.

            collection {str} --  index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)

        Keyword Arguments:
            bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)
            object {str} --  object identifier that refers to an entity in an external database, where the searched object is stored (eg. you use Sonic to index CRM contacts by name; full CRM contact data is stored in a MySQL database; in this case the object identifier in Sonic will be the MySQL primary key for the CRM contact)

            int -- number of flushed data
        if not bucket and not object:
            return self.flush_collection(collection)
        elif bucket and not object:
            return self.flush_bucket(collection, bucket)
        elif object and bucket:
            return self.flush_object(collection, bucket, object)

class SearchClient(SonicClient, CommonCommandsMixin):
    def __init__(self, host: str, port: int, password: str):
        """Create Sonic client that operates on the Search Channel

            host {str} -- valid reachable host address
            port {int} -- port number
            password {str} -- password (defined in config.cfg file on the server side)

        super().__init__(host, port, password, SEARCH)

    def query(self, collection: str, bucket: str, terms: str, limit: int=None, offset: int=None, lang: str=None):
        """Query the database

            collection {str} -- index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)
            bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)
            terms {str} --  text for search terms

        Keyword Arguments:
            limit {int} -- a positive integer number; set within allowed maximum & minimum limits
            offset {int} -- a positive integer number; set within allowed maximum & minimum limits
            lang {str} -- an ISO 639-3 locale code eg. eng for English (if set, the locale must be a valid ISO 639-3 code; if not set, the locale will be guessed from text).

            list -- list of objects ids.
        limit = "LIMIT({})".format(limit) if limit else ''
        lang = "LANG({})".format(lang) if lang else ''
        offset = "OFFSET({})".format(offset) if offset else ''

        terms = quote_text(terms)
        return self._execute_command_async(
            'QUERY', collection, bucket, terms, limit, offset, lang)

    def suggest(self, collection: str, bucket: str, word: str, limit: int=None):
        """auto-completes word.

            collection {str} -- index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)
            bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)
            word {str} --  word to autocomplete

        Keyword Arguments:
            limit {int} -- a positive integer number; set within allowed maximum & minimum limits (default: {None})

            list -- list of suggested words.
        limit = "LIMIT({})".format(limit) if limit else ''
        word = quote_text(word)
        return self._execute_command(
            'SUGGEST', collection, bucket, word, limit)

class ControlClient(SonicClient, CommonCommandsMixin):
    def __init__(self, host: str, port: int, password: str):
        """Create Sonic client that operates on the Control Channel

            host {str} -- valid reachable host address
            port {int} -- port number
            password {str} -- password (defined in config.cfg file on the server side)

        super().__init__(host, port, password, CONTROL)

    def trigger(self, action: str=''):
        """Trigger an action

        Keyword Arguments:
            action {str} --  text for action
        self._execute_command('TRIGGER', action)

def test_ingest():
    with IngestClient("", 1491, 'password') as ingestcl:
        ingestcl.push("wiki", "articles", "article-1",
                      "for the love of god hell")
        ingestcl.push("wiki", "articles", "article-2",
                      "for the love of satan heaven")
        ingestcl.push("wiki", "articles", "article-3",
                      "for the love of lorde hello")
        ingestcl.push("wiki", "articles", "article-4",
                      "for the god of loaf helmet")

def test_search():
    with SearchClient("", 1491, 'password') as querycl:
        print(querycl.query("wiki", "articles", "for"))
        print(querycl.query("wiki", "articles", "love"))

def test_control():
    with ControlClient("", 1491, 'password') as controlcl:

if __name__ == "__main__":


def is_error(response)

Check if the response is Error or not in sonic context.

Errors start with ERR


response {str} – response string


[bool] – true if response is an error.

Source code
def is_error(response):
    """Check if the response is Error or not in sonic context.

    Errors start with `ERR`
        response {str} -- response string

        [bool] -- true if response is an error.
    if response.startswith('ERR '):
        return True
    return False
def pythonify_result(resp)
Source code
def pythonify_result(resp):
    if resp in ["OK", "PONG"]:
        return True

    if resp.startswith("EVENT QUERY") or resp.startswith("EVENT SUGGEST"):
        return resp.split()[3:]

    if resp.startswith("RESULT"):
        return int(resp.split()[-1])
    return resp
def quote_text(text)

Quote text and normalize it in sonic protocol context.


text str – text to quote/escape


str – quoted text

Source code
def quote_text(text):
    """Quote text and normalize it in sonic protocol context.

        text str -- text to quote/escape

        str -- quoted text
    if text is None:
        return ""
    return '"' + text.replace('"', '\\"').replace('\r\n', ' ') + '"'
def raise_for_error(response)

Raise SonicServerError in case of error response.


response {str} – message to check if it's error or not.


SonicServerError –


str – the response message

Source code
def raise_for_error(response):
    """Raise SonicServerError in case of error response.

        response {str} -- message to check if it's error or not.

        SonicServerError --

        str -- the response message
    if is_error(response):
        raise SonicServerError(response)
    return response
def test_control()
Source code
def test_control():
    with ControlClient("", 1491, 'password') as controlcl:
def test_ingest()
Source code
def test_ingest():
    with IngestClient("", 1491, 'password') as ingestcl:
        ingestcl.push("wiki", "articles", "article-1",
                      "for the love of god hell")
        ingestcl.push("wiki", "articles", "article-2",
                      "for the love of satan heaven")
        ingestcl.push("wiki", "articles", "article-3",
                      "for the love of lorde hello")
        ingestcl.push("wiki", "articles", "article-4",
                      "for the god of loaf helmet")
Source code
def test_search():
    with SearchClient("", 1491, 'password') as querycl:
        print(querycl.query("wiki", "articles", "for"))
        print(querycl.query("wiki", "articles", "love"))


class ChannelError (ancestors: builtins.Exception, builtins.BaseException)

Sonic Channel specific exception

Source code
class ChannelError(Exception):
    """Sonic Channel specific exception"""
class CommonCommandsMixin

Mixin of the commands used by all sonic channels.

Source code
class CommonCommandsMixin:
    """Mixin of the commands used by all sonic channels."""

    def ping(self):
        """Send ping command to the server

            bool -- True if successfully reaching the server.
        return self._execute_command("PING")

    def quit(self):
        """Quit the channel and closes the connection.


    # TODO: check help.
    def help(self, *args):
        """Sends Help query."""
        return self._execute_command("HELP", *args)



def help(self, *args)

Sends Help query.

Source code
def help(self, *args):
    """Sends Help query."""
    return self._execute_command("HELP", *args)
def ping(self)

Send ping command to the server


bool – True if successfully reaching the server.

Source code
def ping(self):
    """Send ping command to the server

        bool -- True if successfully reaching the server.
    return self._execute_command("PING")
def quit(self)

Quit the channel and closes the connection.

Source code
def quit(self):
    """Quit the channel and closes the connection.

class ConnectionPool
Source code
class ConnectionPool:

    def __init__(self, **create_kwargs):
        """ConnectionPool for Sonic connections.

        create_kwargs: SonicConnection create kwargs (passed to the connection constructor.)
        self._inuse_connections = set()
        self._available_connections = Queue()
        self._create_kwargs = create_kwargs

    def get_connection(self) -> SonicConnection:
        """Gets a connection from the pool or creates one.
            SonicConnection -- Sonic connection.
        conn = None

        if not self._available_connections.empty():
            conn = self._available_connections.get()
            # make connection and add to active connections
            conn = self._make_connection()

        return conn

    def release(self, conn:SonicConnection) -> None:
        """Releases connection `conn` to the pool
            conn {SonicConnection} -- Connection to release back to the pool.

    def _make_connection(self) -> SonicConnection:
        """Creates SonicConnection object and returns it.
            SonicConnection -- newly created sonic connection.
        con = SonicConnection(**self._create_kwargs)
        return con

    def close(self) -> None:
        """Closes the pool and all of the connections.
        for con in itertools.chain(self._inuse_connections, self._available_connections):


def __init__(self, **create_kwargs)

ConnectionPool for Sonic connections.

create_kwargs : SonicConnection create kwargs (passed to the connection constructor.)
Source code
def __init__(self, **create_kwargs):
    """ConnectionPool for Sonic connections.

    create_kwargs: SonicConnection create kwargs (passed to the connection constructor.)
    self._inuse_connections = set()
    self._available_connections = Queue()
    self._create_kwargs = create_kwargs
def close(self)

Closes the pool and all of the connections.

Source code
def close(self) -> None:
    """Closes the pool and all of the connections.
    for con in itertools.chain(self._inuse_connections, self._available_connections):
def get_connection(self)

Gets a connection from the pool or creates one.


SonicConnection – Sonic connection.

Source code
def get_connection(self) -> SonicConnection:
    """Gets a connection from the pool or creates one.
        SonicConnection -- Sonic connection.
    conn = None

    if not self._available_connections.empty():
        conn = self._available_connections.get()
        # make connection and add to active connections
        conn = self._make_connection()

    return conn
def release(self, conn)

Releases connection conn to the pool


conn {SonicConnection} – Connection to release back to the pool.

Source code
def release(self, conn:SonicConnection) -> None:
    """Releases connection `conn` to the pool
        conn {SonicConnection} -- Connection to release back to the pool.
class ControlClient (ancestors: SonicClient, CommonCommandsMixin)

Mixin of the commands used by all sonic channels.

Source code
class ControlClient(SonicClient, CommonCommandsMixin):
    def __init__(self, host: str, port: int, password: str):
        """Create Sonic client that operates on the Control Channel

            host {str} -- valid reachable host address
            port {int} -- port number
            password {str} -- password (defined in config.cfg file on the server side)

        super().__init__(host, port, password, CONTROL)

    def trigger(self, action: str=''):
        """Trigger an action

        Keyword Arguments:
            action {str} --  text for action
        self._execute_command('TRIGGER', action)


def __init__(self, host, port, password)

Create Sonic client that operates on the Control Channel


host {str} – valid reachable host address port {int} – port number password {str} – password (defined in config.cfg file on the server side)

Source code
def __init__(self, host: str, port: int, password: str):
    """Create Sonic client that operates on the Control Channel

        host {str} -- valid reachable host address
        port {int} -- port number
        password {str} -- password (defined in config.cfg file on the server side)

    super().__init__(host, port, password, CONTROL)
def trigger(self, action='')

Trigger an action

Keyword Arguments: action {str} – text for action

Source code
def trigger(self, action: str=''):
    """Trigger an action

    Keyword Arguments:
        action {str} --  text for action
    self._execute_command('TRIGGER', action)

Inherited members

class IngestClient (ancestors: SonicClient, CommonCommandsMixin)

Mixin of the commands used by all sonic channels.

Source code
class IngestClient(SonicClient, CommonCommandsMixin):
    def __init__(self, host: str, port: str, password: str):
        super().__init__(host, port, password, INGEST)

    def push(self, collection: str, bucket: str, object: str, text: str, lang: str=None):
        """Push search data in the index

            collection {str} --  index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)
            bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)
            object {str} --  object identifier that refers to an entity in an external database, where the searched object is stored (eg. you use Sonic to index CRM contacts by name; full CRM contact data is stored in a MySQL database; in this case the object identifier in Sonic will be the MySQL primary key for the CRM contact)
            text {str} -- search text to be indexed can be a single word, or a longer text; within maximum length safety limits

        Keyword Arguments:
            lang {str} -- [description] (default: {None})

            bool -- True if search data are pushed in the index.

        lang = "LANG({})".format(lang) if lang else ''
        text = quote_text(text)
        return self._execute_command("PUSH", collection, bucket, object, text, lang)

    def pop(self, collection: str, bucket: str, object: str, text: str):
        """Pop search data from the index

            collection {str} --  index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)
            bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)
            object {str} --  object identifier that refers to an entity in an external database, where the searched object is stored (eg. you use Sonic to index CRM contacts by name; full CRM contact data is stored in a MySQL database; in this case the object identifier in Sonic will be the MySQL primary key for the CRM contact)
            text {str} -- search text to be indexed can be a single word, or a longer text; within maximum length safety limits

        text = quote_text(text)
        return self._execute_command("POP", collection, bucket, object, text)

    def count(self, collection: str, bucket: str=None, object: str=None):
        """Count indexed search data

            collection {str} --  index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)

        Keyword Arguments:
            bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)
            object {str} --  object identifier that refers to an entity in an external database, where the searched object is stored (eg. you use Sonic to index CRM contacts by name; full CRM contact data is stored in a MySQL database; in this case the object identifier in Sonic will be the MySQL primary key for the CRM contact)

            int -- count of index search data.
        bucket = bucket or ''
        object = object or ''
        return self._execute_command('COUNT', collection, bucket, object)

    def flush_collection(self, collection: str):
        """Flush all indexed data from a collection

            collection {str} --  index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)

            int -- number of flushed data
        return self._execute_command('FLUSHC', collection)

    def flush_bucket(self, collection: str, bucket: str):
        """Flush all indexed data from a bucket in a collection

            collection {str} --  index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)
            bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)

            int -- number of flushed data
        return self._execute_command('FLUSHB', collection, bucket)

    def flush_object(self, collection: str, bucket: str, object: str):
        """Flush all indexed data from an object in a bucket in collection

            collection {str} --  index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)
            bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)
            object {str} --  object identifier that refers to an entity in an external database, where the searched object is stored (eg. you use Sonic to index CRM contacts by name; full CRM contact data is stored in a MySQL database; in this case the object identifier in Sonic will be the MySQL primary key for the CRM contact)

            int -- number of flushed data
        return self._execute_command('FLUSHO', collection, bucket, object)

    def flush(self, collection: str, bucket: str=None, object: str=None):
        """Flush indexed data in a collection, bucket, or in an object.

            collection {str} --  index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)

        Keyword Arguments:
            bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)
            object {str} --  object identifier that refers to an entity in an external database, where the searched object is stored (eg. you use Sonic to index CRM contacts by name; full CRM contact data is stored in a MySQL database; in this case the object identifier in Sonic will be the MySQL primary key for the CRM contact)

            int -- number of flushed data
        if not bucket and not object:
            return self.flush_collection(collection)
        elif bucket and not object:
            return self.flush_bucket(collection, bucket)
        elif object and bucket:
            return self.flush_object(collection, bucket, object)


def count(self, collection, bucket=None, object=None)

Count indexed search data


collection {str} – index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.) Keyword Arguments: bucket {str} – index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..) object {str} – object identifier that refers to an entity in an external database, where the searched object is stored (eg. you use Sonic to index CRM contacts by name; full CRM contact data is stored in a MySQL database; in this case the object identifier in Sonic will be the MySQL primary key for the CRM contact)


int – count of index search data.

Source code
def count(self, collection: str, bucket: str=None, object: str=None):
    """Count indexed search data

        collection {str} --  index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)

    Keyword Arguments:
        bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)
        object {str} --  object identifier that refers to an entity in an external database, where the searched object is stored (eg. you use Sonic to index CRM contacts by name; full CRM contact data is stored in a MySQL database; in this case the object identifier in Sonic will be the MySQL primary key for the CRM contact)

        int -- count of index search data.
    bucket = bucket or ''
    object = object or ''
    return self._execute_command('COUNT', collection, bucket, object)
def flush(self, collection, bucket=None, object=None)

Flush indexed data in a collection, bucket, or in an object.


collection {str} – index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.) Keyword Arguments: bucket {str} – index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..) object {str} – object identifier that refers to an entity in an external database, where the searched object is stored (eg. you use Sonic to index CRM contacts by name; full CRM contact data is stored in a MySQL database; in this case the object identifier in Sonic will be the MySQL primary key for the CRM contact)


int – number of flushed data

Source code
def flush(self, collection: str, bucket: str=None, object: str=None):
    """Flush indexed data in a collection, bucket, or in an object.

        collection {str} --  index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)

    Keyword Arguments:
        bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)
        object {str} --  object identifier that refers to an entity in an external database, where the searched object is stored (eg. you use Sonic to index CRM contacts by name; full CRM contact data is stored in a MySQL database; in this case the object identifier in Sonic will be the MySQL primary key for the CRM contact)

        int -- number of flushed data
    if not bucket and not object:
        return self.flush_collection(collection)
    elif bucket and not object:
        return self.flush_bucket(collection, bucket)
    elif object and bucket:
        return self.flush_object(collection, bucket, object)
def flush_bucket(self, collection, bucket)

Flush all indexed data from a bucket in a collection


collection {str} – index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.) bucket {str} – index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)


int – number of flushed data

Source code
def flush_bucket(self, collection: str, bucket: str):
    """Flush all indexed data from a bucket in a collection

        collection {str} --  index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)
        bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)

        int -- number of flushed data
    return self._execute_command('FLUSHB', collection, bucket)
def flush_collection(self, collection)

Flush all indexed data from a collection


collection {str} – index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)


int – number of flushed data

Source code
def flush_collection(self, collection: str):
    """Flush all indexed data from a collection

        collection {str} --  index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)

        int -- number of flushed data
    return self._execute_command('FLUSHC', collection)
def flush_object(self, collection, bucket, object)

Flush all indexed data from an object in a bucket in collection


collection {str} – index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.) bucket {str} – index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..) object {str} – object identifier that refers to an entity in an external database, where the searched object is stored (eg. you use Sonic to index CRM contacts by name; full CRM contact data is stored in a MySQL database; in this case the object identifier in Sonic will be the MySQL primary key for the CRM contact)


int – number of flushed data

Source code
def flush_object(self, collection: str, bucket: str, object: str):
    """Flush all indexed data from an object in a bucket in collection

        collection {str} --  index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)
        bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)
        object {str} --  object identifier that refers to an entity in an external database, where the searched object is stored (eg. you use Sonic to index CRM contacts by name; full CRM contact data is stored in a MySQL database; in this case the object identifier in Sonic will be the MySQL primary key for the CRM contact)

        int -- number of flushed data
    return self._execute_command('FLUSHO', collection, bucket, object)
def pop(self, collection, bucket, object, text)

Pop search data from the index


collection {str} – index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.) bucket {str} – index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..) object {str} – object identifier that refers to an entity in an external database, where the searched object is stored (eg. you use Sonic to index CRM contacts by name; full CRM contact data is stored in a MySQL database; in this case the object identifier in Sonic will be the MySQL primary key for the CRM contact) text {str} – search text to be indexed can be a single word, or a longer text; within maximum length safety limits



Source code
def pop(self, collection: str, bucket: str, object: str, text: str):
    """Pop search data from the index

        collection {str} --  index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)
        bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)
        object {str} --  object identifier that refers to an entity in an external database, where the searched object is stored (eg. you use Sonic to index CRM contacts by name; full CRM contact data is stored in a MySQL database; in this case the object identifier in Sonic will be the MySQL primary key for the CRM contact)
        text {str} -- search text to be indexed can be a single word, or a longer text; within maximum length safety limits

    text = quote_text(text)
    return self._execute_command("POP", collection, bucket, object, text)
def push(self, collection, bucket, object, text, lang=None)

Push search data in the index


collection {str} – index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.) bucket {str} – index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..) object {str} – object identifier that refers to an entity in an external database, where the searched object is stored (eg. you use Sonic to index CRM contacts by name; full CRM contact data is stored in a MySQL database; in this case the object identifier in Sonic will be the MySQL primary key for the CRM contact) text {str} – search text to be indexed can be a single word, or a longer text; within maximum length safety limits Keyword Arguments: lang {str} – [description] (default: {None})


bool – True if search data are pushed in the index.

Source code
def push(self, collection: str, bucket: str, object: str, text: str, lang: str=None):
    """Push search data in the index

        collection {str} --  index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)
        bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)
        object {str} --  object identifier that refers to an entity in an external database, where the searched object is stored (eg. you use Sonic to index CRM contacts by name; full CRM contact data is stored in a MySQL database; in this case the object identifier in Sonic will be the MySQL primary key for the CRM contact)
        text {str} -- search text to be indexed can be a single word, or a longer text; within maximum length safety limits

    Keyword Arguments:
        lang {str} -- [description] (default: {None})

        bool -- True if search data are pushed in the index.

    lang = "LANG({})".format(lang) if lang else ''
    text = quote_text(text)
    return self._execute_command("PUSH", collection, bucket, object, text, lang)

Inherited members

class SearchClient (ancestors: SonicClient, CommonCommandsMixin)

Mixin of the commands used by all sonic channels.

Source code
class SearchClient(SonicClient, CommonCommandsMixin):
    def __init__(self, host: str, port: int, password: str):
        """Create Sonic client that operates on the Search Channel

            host {str} -- valid reachable host address
            port {int} -- port number
            password {str} -- password (defined in config.cfg file on the server side)

        super().__init__(host, port, password, SEARCH)

    def query(self, collection: str, bucket: str, terms: str, limit: int=None, offset: int=None, lang: str=None):
        """Query the database

            collection {str} -- index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)
            bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)
            terms {str} --  text for search terms

        Keyword Arguments:
            limit {int} -- a positive integer number; set within allowed maximum & minimum limits
            offset {int} -- a positive integer number; set within allowed maximum & minimum limits
            lang {str} -- an ISO 639-3 locale code eg. eng for English (if set, the locale must be a valid ISO 639-3 code; if not set, the locale will be guessed from text).

            list -- list of objects ids.
        limit = "LIMIT({})".format(limit) if limit else ''
        lang = "LANG({})".format(lang) if lang else ''
        offset = "OFFSET({})".format(offset) if offset else ''

        terms = quote_text(terms)
        return self._execute_command_async(
            'QUERY', collection, bucket, terms, limit, offset, lang)

    def suggest(self, collection: str, bucket: str, word: str, limit: int=None):
        """auto-completes word.

            collection {str} -- index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)
            bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)
            word {str} --  word to autocomplete

        Keyword Arguments:
            limit {int} -- a positive integer number; set within allowed maximum & minimum limits (default: {None})

            list -- list of suggested words.
        limit = "LIMIT({})".format(limit) if limit else ''
        word = quote_text(word)
        return self._execute_command(
            'SUGGEST', collection, bucket, word, limit)


def __init__(self, host, port, password)

Create Sonic client that operates on the Search Channel


host {str} – valid reachable host address port {int} – port number password {str} – password (defined in config.cfg file on the server side)

Source code
def __init__(self, host: str, port: int, password: str):
    """Create Sonic client that operates on the Search Channel

        host {str} -- valid reachable host address
        port {int} -- port number
        password {str} -- password (defined in config.cfg file on the server side)

    super().__init__(host, port, password, SEARCH)
def query(self, collection, bucket, terms, limit=None, offset=None, lang=None)

Query the database


collection {str} – index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.) bucket {str} – index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..) terms {str} – text for search terms Keyword Arguments: limit {int} – a positive integer number; set within allowed maximum & minimum limits offset {int} – a positive integer number; set within allowed maximum & minimum limits lang {str} – an ISO 639-3 locale code eg. eng for English (if set, the locale must be a valid ISO 639-3 code; if not set, the locale will be guessed from text).


list – list of objects ids.

Source code
def query(self, collection: str, bucket: str, terms: str, limit: int=None, offset: int=None, lang: str=None):
    """Query the database

        collection {str} -- index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)
        bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)
        terms {str} --  text for search terms

    Keyword Arguments:
        limit {int} -- a positive integer number; set within allowed maximum & minimum limits
        offset {int} -- a positive integer number; set within allowed maximum & minimum limits
        lang {str} -- an ISO 639-3 locale code eg. eng for English (if set, the locale must be a valid ISO 639-3 code; if not set, the locale will be guessed from text).

        list -- list of objects ids.
    limit = "LIMIT({})".format(limit) if limit else ''
    lang = "LANG({})".format(lang) if lang else ''
    offset = "OFFSET({})".format(offset) if offset else ''

    terms = quote_text(terms)
    return self._execute_command_async(
        'QUERY', collection, bucket, terms, limit, offset, lang)
def suggest(self, collection, bucket, word, limit=None)

auto-completes word.


collection {str} – index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.) bucket {str} – index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..) word {str} – word to autocomplete Keyword Arguments: limit {int} – a positive integer number; set within allowed maximum & minimum limits (default: {None})


list – list of suggested words.

Source code
def suggest(self, collection: str, bucket: str, word: str, limit: int=None):
    """auto-completes word.

        collection {str} -- index collection (ie. what you search in, eg. messages, products, etc.)
        bucket {str} -- index bucket name (ie. user-specific search classifier in the collection if you have any eg. user-1, user-2, .., otherwise use a common bucket name eg. generic, default, common, ..)
        word {str} --  word to autocomplete

    Keyword Arguments:
        limit {int} -- a positive integer number; set within allowed maximum & minimum limits (default: {None})

        list -- list of suggested words.
    limit = "LIMIT({})".format(limit) if limit else ''
    word = quote_text(word)
    return self._execute_command(
        'SUGGEST', collection, bucket, word, limit)

Inherited members

class SonicClient
Source code
class SonicClient:

    def __init__(self, host: str, port: int, password: str, channel: str, pool: ConnectionPool=None):
        """Base for sonic clients

        bufsize: indicates the buffer size to be used while communicating with the server.
        protocol: sonic protocol version

            host {str} -- sonic server host
            port {int} -- sonic server port
            password {str} -- user password defined in `config.cfg` file on the server side.
            channel {str} -- channel name one of (ingest, search, control)

        """ = host
        self.port = port
        self._password = password = channel
        self.bufsize = 0
        self.protocol = 1
        self.raw = False
        self.address =, self.port

        if not pool:
            self.pool = ConnectionPool(
                host=host, port=port, password=password, channel=channel)

    def close(self):
        """close the connection and clean up open resources.

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

    def get_active_connection(self) -> SonicConnection:
        """Gets a connection from the pool
            SonicConnection -- connection from the pool
        active = self.pool.get_connection()
        active.raw = self.raw
        return active

    def _execute_command(self, cmd, *args):
        """Executes command `cmd` with arguments `args`
            cmd {str} -- command to execute
            *args     -- `cmd`'s arguments
            str|object -- result of execution
        active = self.get_active_connection()
            res = active._execute_command(cmd, *args)
        return res

    def _execute_command_async(self, cmd, *args):
        """Executes async command `cmd` with arguments `args` and awaits its result.
            cmd {str} -- command to execute
            *args     -- `cmd`'s arguments
            str|object -- result of execution

        active = self.get_active_connection()
            active._execute_command(cmd, *args)
            resp = active._get_response()
        return resp



def __init__(self, host, port, password, channel, pool=None)

Base for sonic clients

bufsize: indicates the buffer size to be used while communicating with the server.
protocol : sonic protocol version


host {str} – sonic server host port {int} – sonic server port password {str} – user password defined in config.cfg file on the server side. channel {str} – channel name one of (ingest, search, control)

Source code
def __init__(self, host: str, port: int, password: str, channel: str, pool: ConnectionPool=None):
    """Base for sonic clients

    bufsize: indicates the buffer size to be used while communicating with the server.
    protocol: sonic protocol version

        host {str} -- sonic server host
        port {int} -- sonic server port
        password {str} -- user password defined in `config.cfg` file on the server side.
        channel {str} -- channel name one of (ingest, search, control)

    """ = host
    self.port = port
    self._password = password = channel
    self.bufsize = 0
    self.protocol = 1
    self.raw = False
    self.address =, self.port

    if not pool:
        self.pool = ConnectionPool(
            host=host, port=port, password=password, channel=channel)
def close(self)

close the connection and clean up open resources.

Source code
def close(self):
    """close the connection and clean up open resources.
def get_active_connection(self)

Gets a connection from the pool


SonicConnection – connection from the pool

Source code
def get_active_connection(self) -> SonicConnection:
    """Gets a connection from the pool
        SonicConnection -- connection from the pool
    active = self.pool.get_connection()
    active.raw = self.raw
    return active
class SonicConnection
Source code
class SonicConnection:
    def __init__(self, host: str, port: int, password: str, channel: str, keepalive: bool=True, timeout: int=60):
        """Base for sonic connections

        bufsize: indicates the buffer size to be used while communicating with the server.
        protocol: sonic protocol version

            host {str} -- sonic server host
            port {int} -- sonic server port
            password {str} -- user password defined in `config.cfg` file on the server side.
            channel {str} -- channel name one of (ingest, search, control)

        Keyword Arguments:
            keepalive {bool} -- sets keepalive socket option (default: {True})
            timeout {int} -- sets socket timeout  (default: {60})
        = host
        self.port = port
        self._password = password = channel
        self.raw = False
        self.address =, self.port
        self.keepalive = keepalive
        self.timeout = timeout
        self.socket_connect_timeout = 10
        self.__socket = None
        self.__reader = None
        self.__writer = None
        self.bufize = None
        self.protocol = None

    def connect(self):
        """Connects to sonic server endpoint

            bool: True when connection happens and successfully switched to a channel.
        resp = self._reader.readline()
        if 'CONNECTED' in resp:
            self.connected = True

        resp = self._execute_command("START",, self._password)
        self.protocol = _parse_protocol_version(resp)
        self.bufsize = _parse_buffer_size(resp)


    def ping(self):
        return self._execute_command("PING") == "PONG"

    def __create_connection(self, address):
        "Create a TCP socket connection"
        # we want to mimic what socket.create_connection does to support
        # ipv4/ipv6, but we want to set options prior to calling
        # socket.connect()
        # snippet taken from redis client code.
        err = None
        for res in socket.getaddrinfo(, self.port, 0,
            family, socktype, proto, canonname, socket_address = res
            sock = None
                sock = socket.socket(family, socktype, proto)
                # TCP_NODELAY
                sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)

                # TCP_KEEPALIVE
                if self.keepalive:
                    sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1)

                # set the socket_connect_timeout before we connect
                if self.socket_connect_timeout:

                # connect

                # set the socket_timeout now that we're connected
                if self.timeout:
                return sock

            except socket.error as _:
                err = _
                if sock is not None:

        if err is not None:
            raise err
        raise socket.error("socket.getaddrinfo returned an empty list")

    def _socket(self):
        if not self.__socket:
            # socket.create_connection(self.address)
            self.__socket = self.__create_connection(self.address)

        return self.__socket

    def _reader(self):
        if not self.__reader:
            self.__reader = self._socket.makefile('r')
        return self.__reader

    def _writer(self):
        if not self.__writer:
            self.__writer = self._socket.makefile('w')
        return self.__writer

    def close(self):
        Closes the connection and its resources.
        resources = (self.__reader, self.__writer, self.__socket)
        for rc in resources:
            if rc is not None:
        self.__reader = None
        self.__writer = None
        self.__socket = None

    def _format_command(self, cmd, *args):
        """Format command according to sonic protocol

            cmd {str} -- a valid sonic command

            str -- formatted command string to be sent on the wire.
        cmd_str = cmd + " "
        cmd_str += " ".join(args)
        cmd_str += "\n"  # specs says \n, asonic does \r\n
        return cmd_str

    def _execute_command(self, cmd, *args):
        """Formats and sends command with suitable arguments on the wire to sonic server

            cmd {str} -- valid command

            ChannelError -- Raised for unsupported channel commands

            object|str -- depends on the `self.raw` mode
                if mode is raw: result is always a string
                else the result is converted to suitable python response (e.g boolean, int, list)
        if cmd not in ALL_CMDS[]:
            raise ChannelError(
                "command {} isn't allowed in channel {}".format(cmd,

        cmd_str = self._format_command(cmd, *args)
        resp = self._get_response()
        return resp

    def _get_response(self):
        """Gets a response string from sonic server.

            object|str -- depends on the `self.raw` mode
                if mode is raw: result is always a string
                else the result is converted to suitable python response (e.g boolean, int, list)
        resp = raise_for_error(self._reader.readline()).strip()
        if not self.raw:
            return pythonify_result(resp)
        return resp


def __init__(self, host, port, password, channel, keepalive=True, timeout=60)

Base for sonic connections

bufsize: indicates the buffer size to be used while communicating with the server.
protocol : sonic protocol version


host {str} – sonic server host port {int} – sonic server port password {str} – user password defined in config.cfg file on the server side. channel {str} – channel name one of (ingest, search, control) Keyword Arguments: keepalive {bool} – sets keepalive socket option (default: {True}) timeout {int} – sets socket timeout (default: {60})

Source code
def __init__(self, host: str, port: int, password: str, channel: str, keepalive: bool=True, timeout: int=60):
    """Base for sonic connections

    bufsize: indicates the buffer size to be used while communicating with the server.
    protocol: sonic protocol version

        host {str} -- sonic server host
        port {int} -- sonic server port
        password {str} -- user password defined in `config.cfg` file on the server side.
        channel {str} -- channel name one of (ingest, search, control)

    Keyword Arguments:
        keepalive {bool} -- sets keepalive socket option (default: {True})
        timeout {int} -- sets socket timeout  (default: {60})
    """ = host
    self.port = port
    self._password = password = channel
    self.raw = False
    self.address =, self.port
    self.keepalive = keepalive
    self.timeout = timeout
    self.socket_connect_timeout = 10
    self.__socket = None
    self.__reader = None
    self.__writer = None
    self.bufize = None
    self.protocol = None
def close(self)

Closes the connection and its resources.

Source code
def close(self):
    Closes the connection and its resources.
    resources = (self.__reader, self.__writer, self.__socket)
    for rc in resources:
        if rc is not None:
    self.__reader = None
    self.__writer = None
    self.__socket = None
def connect(self)

Connects to sonic server endpoint


True when connection happens and successfully switched to a channel.
Source code
def connect(self):
    """Connects to sonic server endpoint

        bool: True when connection happens and successfully switched to a channel.
    resp = self._reader.readline()
    if 'CONNECTED' in resp:
        self.connected = True

    resp = self._execute_command("START",, self._password)
    self.protocol = _parse_protocol_version(resp)
    self.bufsize = _parse_buffer_size(resp)

def ping(self)
Source code
def ping(self):
    return self._execute_command("PING") == "PONG"
class SonicServerError (ancestors: builtins.Exception, builtins.BaseException)

Generic Sonic Server exception

Source code
class SonicServerError(Exception):
    """Generic Sonic Server exception"""