Day 9: Tic tac toe

Who didn't play Tic tac toe with his friends? :)

What to expect

Today we will implement tic tac toe game in Nim, with 2 modes

  • Human vs Human
  • Human vs AI


So, let's get it. The winner in the game is the first one who manages to get 3 cells on the board to be the same in the same column or row or diagonally first.


import sequtils, tables, strutils, strformat, random, os, parseopt2


Constraints and objects

As the game allow turns we should have a way to keep track of the next player

let NEXT_PLAYER = {"X":"O", "O":"X"}.toTable

Here we use a table to tell us the next player


  Board = ref object of RootObj
    list: seq[string]

Here we define a simple class representing the board

  • list is a sequence representing the cells maybe cells is a better name
  • please note list is just a sequenece of elements 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 but we visualize it as
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 9

instead of using a 2d array for the sake of simplicity

let WINS = @[ @[0,1,2], @[3,4,5], @[6,7,8], @[0, 3, 6], @[1,4,7], @[2,5,8], @[0,4,8], @[2,4,6] ]

We talked WIN patterns cells in the same row or the same column or in same diagonal

proc newBoard(): Board =
  var b = Board()
  b.list = @["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"]
  return b

this is the initializer of the board and sets the cell value to the string represention of its index

proc done(this: Board): (bool, string) =
    for w in WINS:
        if this.list[w[0]] == this.list[w[1]] and this.list[w[1]]  == this.list[w[2]]:
          if this.list[w[0]] == "X":
            return (true, "X")
          elif this.list[w[0]] == "O":
            return (true, "O")
    if all(this.list, proc(x:string):bool = x in @["O", "X"]) == true:
        return (true, "tie")
        return (false, "going")

Here we check for the state of the game and the winner if all of the item in WIN patterns are the same

proc `$`(this:Board): string =
  let rows: seq[seq[string]] = @[this.list[0..2], this.list[3..5], this.list[6..8]]
  for row  in rows:
    for cell in row:
      stdout.write(cell & " | ")

Here we have the string representation of the board so we can show it as 3x3 grid in a lovely way

proc emptySpots(this:Board):seq[int] =
    var emptyindices = newSeq[int]()
    for i in this.list:
      if i.isDigit():
    return emptyindices

Here we have a simple helper function that returns the empty spots indices the spots that doesn't have X or O in it, remember all the cells are initialized to the string representation of their indices.


  Game = ref object of RootObj
    currentPlayer*: string
    board*: Board
    aiPlayer*: string
    difficulty*: int

proc newGame(aiPlayer:string="", difficulty:int=9): Game =
    game = new Game

  game.board = newBoard()
  game.currentPlayer = "X"
  game.aiPlayer = aiPlayer
  game.difficulty = difficulty
  return game
        # 0 1 2
        # 3 4 5
        # 6 7 8 

Here we have another object representing the game and the players and the difficulty and wether it has an AI player or not and who is the current player

  • difficulty is only logical in case of AI, it means when does the AI start calculating moves and considering scenarios, 9 is the hardest, 0 is the easiest.
proc changePlayer(this:Game) : void =
  this.currentPlayer = NEXT_PLAYER[this.currentPlayer]   

Simple procedure to switch turns between players

Start the game

proc startGame*(this:Game): void=
    while true:
        echo this.board
        if this.aiPlayer != this.currentPlayer:
          stdout.write("Enter move: ")
          let move = stdin.readLine()
          this.board.list[parseInt($move)] = this.currentPlayer
        let (done, winner) = this.board.done()

        if done == true:
          echo this.board
          if winner == "tie":
              echo("WINNER IS :", winner )

Here if we don't have aiPlayer if not set it's just a game with 2 humans switching turns and checking for the winner after each move

Minmax and AI support

Minmax is an algorithm mainly used to predict the possible moves in the future and how to minimize the losses and maximize the chances of winning


  Move = tuple[score:int, idx:int]

We need a type Move on a certain idx to represent if it's a good/bad move depending on the score

  • good means minimizing chances of the human to win or making AI win => high score +10
  • bad means maximizing chances of the human to win or making AI lose => low score -10

So let's say we are in this situation

X 4 5 

And it's AI turn we have two possible moves (4 or 5)

X 4 O 

this move (to 5) is clearly wrong because the next move to human will allow him to complete the diagonal (2, 4, 6) So this is a bad move we give it score -10 or

X O 5 

this move (to 4) minimizes the losses (leads to a TIE instead of making human wins) so we give it a higher score

proc getBestMove(this: Game, board: Board, player:string): Move =
        let (done, winner) = board.done()
        # determine the score of the move by checking where does it lead to a win or loss.
        if done == true:
            if winner ==  this.aiPlayer:
                return (score:10, idx:0)
            elif winner != "tie": #human
                return (score:(-10), idx:0)
                return (score:0, idx:0)
        let empty_spots = board.empty_spots()
        var moves = newSeq[Move]() 
        for idx in empty_spots:
            # we calculate more new trees depending on the current situation and see where the upcoming moves lead
            var newboard = newBoard()

            newboard.list = map(board.list, proc(x:string):string=x)
            newboard.list[idx] = player
            let score = this.getBestMove(newboard, NEXT_PLAYER[player]).score
            let idx = idx
            let move = (score:score, idx:idx)
        if player == this.aiPlayer:
          return max(moves)          
          # var bestScore = -1000
          # var bestMove: Move 
          # for m in moves:
          #   if m.score > bestScore:
          #     bestMove = m
          #     bestScore = m.score
          # return bestMove
          return min(moves)          
          # var bestScore = 1000
          # var bestMove: Move 
          # for m in moves:
          #   if m.score < bestScore:
          #     bestMove = m
          #     bestScore = m.score
          # return bestMove

Here we have a highly annotated getBestMove procedure to calculate recursively the best move for us

Now our startGame should look like this

proc startGame*(this:Game): void=
    while true:
        ##old code

        ## AI check
            if this.currentPlayer == this.aiPlayer:
              let emptyspots = this.board.emptySpots()
              if len(emptyspots) <= this.difficulty:
                  echo("AI MOVE..")
                  let move = this.getbestmove(this.board, this.aiPlayer)
                  this.board.list[move.idx] = this.aiPlayer
                  echo("RANDOM GUESS")
                  this.board.list[emptyspots.rand()] = this.aiPlayer
        ## oldcode    

Here we allow the game to use difficulty which means when does the AI starts calculating the moves and making the tree? from the beginning 9 cells left or when there're 4 cells left? you can set it the way you want it, and until u reach the starting difficulty situation AI will use random guesses (from the available emptyspots) instead of calculating

CLI entry

proc writeHelp() = 
  echo """
TicTacToe 0.1.0 (MinMax version)
Allowed arguments:
  -h | --help         : show help
  -a | --ai           : AI player [X or O]
  -l | --difficulty   : destination to stow to

proc cli*() =
    aiplayer = ""
    difficulty = 9

  for kind, key, val in getopt():
    case kind
    of cmdLongOption, cmdShortOption:
        case key
        of "help", "h": 
            # quit()
        of "aiplayer", "a":
          echo "AIPLAYER: " & val
          aiplayer = val
        of "level", "l": difficulty = parseInt(val)

  let g = newGame(aiPlayer=aiplayer, difficulty=difficulty)

when isMainModule:

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