Day 16: Ascii Tables

ASCII tables are everywhere, every time you issue SQL select or use tools like docker to see your beloved containers or seeing your todo list in a fancy terminal todo app

What to expect

Being able to render tables in the terminal, control the widths and the rendering characters.

 var t = newAsciiTable()
  t.tableWidth = 80
  t.setHeaders(@["ID", "Name", "Date"])
  t.addRow(@["1", "Aaaa", "2018-10-2"])
  t.addRow(@["2", "bbvbbba", "2018-10-2"])
  t.addRow(@["399", "CCC", "1018-5-2"])

|ID                         |Name                       |Date                       |
|1                          |Aaaa                       |2018-10-2                  |
|2                          |bbvbbba                    |2018-10-2                  |
|399                        |CCC                        |1018-5-2                   |

or let nim decides for you

  t.tableWidth = 0
|ID |Name   |Date     |
|1  |Aaaa   |2018-10-2|
|2  |bbvbbba|2018-10-2|
|399|CCC    |1018-5-2 |

or even remote the separators between the rows.

|ID |Name   |Date     |
|1  |Aaaa   |2018-10-2|
|2  |bbvbbba|2018-10-2|
|399|CCC    |1018-5-2 |

Why not to do it manually?

Well if you want to write code like this

      var widths = @[0,0,0,0]  #id, name, ports, root
      for k, v in info:
        if len($ > widths[0]:
          widths[0] = len($
        if len($ > widths[1]:
          widths[1] = len($
        if len($v.ports) > widths[2]:
          widths[2] = len($v.ports)
        if len($v.root) > widths[3]:
          widths[3] = len($v.root)
      var sumWidths = 0
      for w in widths:
        sumWidths += w
      echo "-".repeat(sumWidths)

      let extraPadding = 5
      echo "| ID"  & " ".repeat(widths[0]+ extraPadding-4) & "| Name" & " ".repeat(widths[1]+extraPadding-6) & "| Ports" & " ".repeat(widths[2]+extraPadding-6 ) & "| Root" &  " ".repeat(widths[3]-6)
      echo "-".repeat(sumWidths)

      for k, v in info:
        let nroot = replace(v.root, "", "").strip()
        echo "|" & $ & " ".repeat(widths[0]-len($ + extraPadding) & "|" & & " ".repeat(widths[1]-len( + extraPadding) & "|" & v.ports & " ".repeat(widths[2]-len(v.ports)+extraPadding) & "|" & nroot & " ".repeat(widths[3]-len(v.root)+ extraPadding-2) & "|"
        echo "-".repeat(sumWidths)
      result = ""

be my guest :)


Not much, but we will deal with lots of strings

import strformat, strutils


Let's think a bit about the entities of a Table.

well we have Table, headers, rows, columns and each row has a cell


type Cell* = object
  leftpad*: int
  rightpad: int
  pad*: int
  text*: string

Describes the Cell and we define properties like leftpad and rightpad to set the padding around the text in the cell. Also, we used pad general property to create equal leftpad and rightpad

proc newCell*(text: string, leftpad=1, rightpad=1, pad=0): ref Cell =
  result = new Cell
  result.pad = pad
  if pad != 0:
    result.leftpad = pad
    result.rightpad = pad
    result.leftpad = leftpad
    result.rightpad = rightpad
  result.text = text
proc len*(this:ref Cell): int =
  result = this.leftpad + this.text.len + this.rightpad

Cell length is the length of the whitespaces in the paddings left and right + the text length.

proc `$`*(this:ref Cell): string =
  result = " ".repeat(this.leftpad) & this.text & " ".repeat(this.rightpad)

String representation of our Cell.

proc newCellFromAnother(another: ref Cell): ref Cell =
  result = newCell(text=another.text, leftpad=another.leftpad, rightpad=another.rightpad)

Little helper procedure to properties from a cell to another


Now let's talk a bit about the table

type AsciiTable* = object 
  rows: seq[seq[string]]
  headers: seq[ref Cell]
  rowSeparator*: char
  colSeparator*: char 
  cellEdge*: char 
  widths: seq[int]
  suggestedWidths: seq[int]
  tableWidth*: int
  separateRows*: bool

AsciiTable describes a table.

  • headers makes sense to a seq of strings @["id", "name", ...] or a list of Cells. we will describe it using a seq of Cell.
  • tableWidth: you set the total size of the table.
  • rowSeparator: character separates rows
  • colSeparator: character separates columns
  • cellEdge: character on the edge of each cell Remeber that's how our table looks
|ID |Name   |Date     |
|1  |Aaaa   |2018-10-2|
|399|CCC    |1018-5-2 |

We see each row is separated by rowSeparator - line and cellEdge + on the edgeof every cell and the columns are separated by colSeparator |

  • separateRows property allows us to remove the separator between rows

without separator

|ID |Name   |Date     |
|1  |Aaaa   |2018-10-2|
|2  |bbvbbba|2018-10-2|
|399|CCC    |1018-5-2 |

with separator

|ID |Name   |Date     |
|1  |Aaaa   |2018-10-2|
|2  |bbvbbba|2018-10-2|
|399|CCC    |1018-5-2 |
proc newAsciiTable*(): ref AsciiTable =
  result = new AsciiTable
  result.widths = newSeq[int]()
  result.suggestedWidths = newSeq[int]()
  result.rows = newSeq[seq[string]]()
  result.headers = newSeq[ref Cell]()

Helper to initialize the table.

proc columnsCount*(this: ref AsciiTable): int =
  result = this.headers.len

helper to get the number of columns.

proc setHeaders*(this: ref AsciiTable, headers:seq[string]) =
  for s in headers:
    var cell = newCell(s)

proc setHeaders*(this: ref AsciiTable, headers: seq[ref Cell]) = 
  this.headers = headers

Allow the usage of strings directly as for headers or customized Cells

proc setRows*(this: ref AsciiTable, rows:seq[seq[string]]) =
  this.rows = rows

proc addRow*(this: ref AsciiTable, row:seq[string]) =

Helpers to add rows to the table data structure

proc printTable*(this: ref AsciiTable) =

this will print the rendered table which is prepared using render proc.

proc reset*(this:ref AsciiTable) =
  this.widths = newSeq[int]()
  this.suggestedWidths = newSedq[int]()
  this.rows = newSeq[seq[string]]()
  this.headers = newSeq[ref Cell]()

Resets table defaults.

Rendering the table.

Let's assume for a second that widths property has all the information about the size of each column based on its index e.g widths => [5, 10, 20] means

  • column 0 can hold maximum of 5 char cell.
  • column 1 can hold maximum of 10 chars cell.
  • column 2 can hold maximum of 20 chars cell.

the column cells size can't be varied so we set the size to the LONGEST item in the column. it's bit tedious so we will get back to it later.

proc oneLine(this: ref AsciiTable): string =
  result &= this.cellEdge
  for w in this.widths:
    result &= this.rowSeparator.repeat(w) & this.cellEdge
  result &= "\n"

oneLine helps in creating such line


So how does it work? 1- add the cellEdge + on the left 2- add colSeparator - until you consume the size of the width of the column you are at and then add cellEdge again. 3- add new line. \n

Steps for each width.

proc render*(this: ref AsciiTable): string =

We start by calling our magic function calculateWidths

  # top border
  result &= this.oneline()

Generate the top border line of the table.

  # headers
  for colidx, h in this.headers:
    result &= this.colSeparator & $h & " ".repeat(this.widths[colidx]-len(h) )
  result &= this.colSeparator
  result &= "\n"
  # finish headers 

  # line after headers

Now the headers

|ID |Name   |Date     |

So we start with colSeparator | for each header defined in this.headers the print the content of the header (which is a cell so we print the leftpad + text + rightpad ) and add colSeparator | to the end of the items

  result &= this.oneline()

Add another line, So our table looks like this now.

|ID |Name   |Date     |
  # start rows
  for r in this.rows:
    # start row
    for colidx, c in r:
      let cell = newCell(c, leftpad=this.headers[colidx].leftpad, rightpad=this.headers[colidx].rightpad)
      result &= this.colSeparator & $cell & " ".repeat(this.widths[colidx]-len(cell)) 
    result &= this.colSeparator
    result &= "\n"

Now exactly the same for each row, we get the row and print it the same way we printed the headers and follow it by a new line.

Our table looks like this now

|ID |Name   |Date     |
|1  |Aaaa   |2018-10-2|
    if this.separateRows: 
        result &= this.oneLine()
    # finish row

Now we need to decide: are all the rows have line separating them or they don't. In case if they have separators we finish the row by adding another oneLine

|ID |Name   |Date     |
|1  |Aaaa   |2018-10-2|

or if it doesn't have separators and we want our table to look like this in the end

|ID |Name   |Date     |
|1  |Aaaa   |2018-10-2|
|2  |bbvbbba|2018-10-2|

we don't add oneLine

  # don't duplicate the finishing line if it's already printed in case of this.separateRows
  if not this.separateRows:
      result &= this.oneLine()
  return result

if we don't separateRows we add the final oneLine to the table

|ID |Name   |Date     |
|1  |Aaaa   |2018-10-2|
|2  |bbvbbba|2018-10-2|
+---+-------+---------+   <- the final oneLine

if we do separateRows we shouldn't add another oneLine or our table will be rendered like

|ID |Name   |Date     |
|1  |Aaaa   |2018-10-2|
|2  |bbvbbba|2018-10-2|

Now back to calculating widths

Back to the magic function. To be honest, it's not magical it's just bit tedious. So the basic idea is:

proc calculateWidths(this: ref AsciiTable) =
  var colsWidths = newSeq[int]()

a list of column widths

  if this.suggestedWidths.len == 0:
    for h in this.headers:
    colsWidths = this.suggestedWidths

the user might suggest some widths via suggestedWidths property, so can use them for guidance.

  for row in this.rows:
    for colpos, c in row:
      var acell = newCellFromAnother(this.headers[colpos])
      acell.text = c
      if len(acell) > colsWidths[colpos]:
        colsWidths[colpos] = len(acell)

we get the size length of each column by iterating on all the rows and find the max item (the cell with the longest size) in the position of the column in every row and that max will be the column width.

We support other options like totalWidth of the Table and that will make equal column sizes if the user didn't suggest widths

  let sizeForCol = (this.tablewidth/len(this.headers)).toInt()
  var lenHeaders = 0
  for w in colsWidths:
    lenHeaders += w 

Here we calculate the length of each header equally using table width specified by the user divided by the number of columns headers

  if this.tablewidth > lenHeaders:
    if this.suggestedWidths.len == 0:
      for colpos, c in colsWidths:
        colsWidths[colpos] += sizeForCol - c

if the user didn't suggest any widths then he wants the table columns of equal length

  if this.suggestedWidths.len != 0:
    var sumSuggestedWidths = 0
    for s in this.suggestedWidths:
      sumSuggestedWidths += s

    if lenHeaders > sumSuggestedWidths:
      raise newException(ValueError, fmt"sum of {this.suggestedWidths} = {sumSuggestedWidths} and it's less than required length {lenHeaders}")      

if the user suggested some widths we caculate the sum of what user suggested and check if greater than the calculated lenHeaders and if it's not we raise an exception.

  this.widths = colsWidths

Phew! We finally set the widths property now


this day is based on my project nim-asciitables and it's superseded by nim-terminaltables which provides more customizable styles and unicode box drawing support.