Day 20: CacheTable

Today we will implement an expiry feature on keys over nim tables

What to expect

var c = newCacheTable[string, string](initDuration(seconds = 2)) c.setKey("name", "ahmed", initDuration(seconds = 10)) c.setKey("color", "blue", initDuration(seconds = 5)) c.setKey("akey", "a value", DefaultExpiration) c.setKey("akey2", "a value2", DefaultExpiration) c.setKey("lang", "nim", NeverExpires)
  • Here will will create a new Table from string to string
  • we are allowed to set the default expiration to 2 seconds using Duration object globally on the Table newCacheTable[string, string](initDuration(seconds = 2))
  • We are allowed to override the default expiration when setKey by passing a duration object
  • We are allowed to set a key to NeverExpires

Here's a small example to see the internals of execution

for i in countup(0, 20): echo "has key name? " & $c.hasKey("name") echo $c.getCache echo $c.get("name") echo $c.get("color") echo $c.get("lang") echo $c.get("akey") echo $c.get("akey2") os.sleep(1*1000)



import tables, times, os, options, locks
type Expiration* = enum NeverExpires, DefaultExpiration

We have to types of Expiration

  • NeverExpires basically the key stays there forever.
  • DefaultExpiration to use whatever global expiration value defined on the Table
type Entry*[V] = object value*: V ttl*: int64 type CacheTable*[K, V] = ref object cache: Table[K, Entry[V]] lock*: locks.Lock defaultExpiration*: Duration proc newCacheTable*[K, V](defaultExpiration = initDuration( seconds = 5)): CacheTable[K, V] = ## Create new CacheTable result = CacheTable[K, V]() result.cache = initTable[K, Entry[V]]() result.defaultExpiration = defaultExpiration

The only difference between our CacheTable and Nim's Table is the entries are keeping track of Time To Live TTL

  • Entry is a Generic entry we store in the CacheTable that has a value of a type V and keeps track of its ttl
  • CacheTable is a Table from keys of type K to values of of type Entry[V] and keeps track of default expiration
  • newCacheTable is a helper to create a new CacheTable.
proc getCache*[K, V](t: CacheTable[K, V]): Table[K, Entry[V]] = result = t.cache

a helper to get the underlying Table

proc setKey*[K, V](t: CacheTable[K, V], key: K, value: V, d: Duration) = ## Set ``Key`` of type ``K`` (needs to be hashable) to ``value`` of type ``V`` with duration ``d`` let rightnow = times.getTime() let rightNowDur = times.initDuration(seconds = rightnow.toUnix(), nanoseconds = rightnow.nanosecond) let ttl = d.inNanoseconds + rightNowDur.inNanoseconds let entry = Entry[V](value: value, ttl: ttl) t.cache.add(key, entry)

a helper to set a new key in the CacheTable with a specific Duration

proc setKey*[K, V](t: CacheTable[K, V], key: K, value: V, expiration: Expiration = NeverExpires) = ## Sets key with `Expiration` strategy var entry: Entry[V] case expiration: of NeverExpires: entry = Entry[V](value: value, ttl: 0) t.cache.add(key, entry) of DefaultExpiration: t.setKey(key, value, d = t.defaultExpiration)

a helper to set key based on an Expiration strategy

  • if NeverExpires : ttl should be 0
  • if DefaultExpiration: ttl will be the same as the Cachetable defaultExpiration duration
proc setKeyWithDefaultTtl*[K, V](t: CacheTable[K, V], key: K, value: V) = ## Sets a key with default Ttl duration. t.setKey(key, value, DefaultExpiration)

sets a key to value with default expiration

proc hasKey*[K, V](t: CacheTable[K, V], key: K): bool = ## Checks if `key` exists in cache result = t.cache.hasKey(key)

Check if the cache underneath has a specific key

proc isExpired(ttl: int64): bool = if ttl == 0: # echo "duration 0 never expires." result = false else: let rightnow = times.getTime() let rightNowDur = times.initDuration(seconds = rightnow.toUnix(), nanoseconds = rightnow.nanosecond) # echo "Now is : " & $rightnow result = rightnowDur.inNanoseconds > ttl

Helper to check if a ttl expired relative to the time right now.

proc get*[K, V](t: CacheTable[K, V], key: K): Option[V] = ## Get value of `key` from cache var entry: Entry[V] try: entry = t.cache[key] except: return none(V) # echo "getting entry for key: " & key & $entry if not isExpired(entry.ttl): # echo "k: " & key & " didn't expire" return some(entry.value) else: # echo "k: " & key & " expired" del(t.cache, key) return none(V)

Getting a key from the cache to returns an Option[V] of the value of type V stored in the Entry[V].

Thank you for reading! and please feel free to open an issue or a PR to improve to content of Nim Days :)